Strategic Plan
Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024
Mission: TCTELA will advance the literacy growth of all Texas students by developing a network of diverse professionals and by providing professional development based on best practices in education.
Core Values:
Texas students’ needs drive decision-making at TCTELA.
TCTELA offers something unique and crucial to English language arts/reading educators.
The work of teaching is best done in collaboration, not isolation.
Reading and writing are reciprocal and interconnected.
TCTELA advocates for students and educators.
Vision: The vision of TCTELA is to be recognized by educators, policy makers, and other stakeholders as a leading voice in the field of English language arts and reading.
Overview of Goals:
Goal 1: TCTELA fosters leadership. TCTELA will strengthen its standing in the field of education as a key professional organization with a long, reliable history of quality leadership in English/language arts and reading education.
1. Increase and maintain membership.
a. Provide and market a variety of membership options.
b. Raise awareness of the benefits of active membership.
c. Recruit membership that reflects the diversity of Texas.
2. Facilitate the growth of members as literacy leaders.
a. Provide information about the organization through multiple modes.
b. Encourage opportunities for professional publication, presentation. and advocacy.
c. Foster participation in organization leadership.
3. Advocate for ELAR educators and students.
a. Participate in TCTELA Literacy Education Day.
b. Support National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE).
c. Form relationships with Texas Education Agency staff, Texas legislators, and State Board of Education members.
d. Form relationships with other professional organizations and stakeholders
Goal 2: TCTELA promotes community. TCTELA will facilitate a collaborative community of professionals who learn, explore, and connect.
1. Promote and model collaboration.
a. Increase effectiveness of TCTELA Board and organization as a transparent, unified body.
b. Conduct annual business meeting at the annual conference with all attendees encouraged to attend.
2. Utilize the organization’s online presence to promote collaboration and discourse.
a. Develop online depository to distribute and collect TCTELA membership contributions such as research, professional writing, student writing, etc.
b. Increase social media presence to foster dialogue.
3. Refine and increase effectiveness of sections, committees, and local/regional affiliates.
a. Connect with members to develop craft in the profession.
b. Promote and facilitate new local/regional affiliates.
4. Recruit and develop the future leadership of TCTELA.
a. Identify and support rising leaders, inviting them into sections and leadership.
b. Increase recruitment of officers and award nominations.
Goal 3: TCTELA supports instruction. TCTELA will offer research-based professional development, grounded in best literacy practices, for every ELAR professional throughout the state.
1. Provide a high quality annual conference.
a. Be intentional about selecting keynote speakers who reflect the core values, vision, mission, and goals of TCTELA.
b. Solicit and select breakout session presenters whose proposals represent a diversity of intended audiences, topics, and special focus areas.
2. Use current, sustainable, and alternative forms of professional development.
a. Use social media platforms to promote professional development and professional study.
b. Use the TCTELA website to provide professional resources, updated quarterly through the Electronic Communications Manager.
c. Utilize TCTELA sections, Texas Voices, English in Texas, and special projects to innovate professional development.
3. Maintain the high quality of English in Texas, the organization’s journal and Texas Voices, the organization’s newsletter.
a. Commit to producing high quality publications.
b. Ensure smooth transitions between teams of editors/teams of editors.
c. Encourage professional educators to submit high-quality articles of interest to ELAR educators.
Click here to download a PDF version of the Strategic Plan.