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Board Nominations

TCTELA Board Nominations


Consider nominating yourself or an esteemed colleague for one of the following TCTELA Board positions:  President-Elect (three-year position including president and past president), Vice President-Elect for Membership and Affiliates (two-year position including Vice President for Membership and Affiliates), or Recording Secretary (one-year term). Nominations are currently open for 2026.

Roles and Responsibilities

President Elect: Year 1 of 3 year Elected Term

Job Description

Abide by the constitution, by-laws, and policies of TCTELA. Exercise reasonable care, good faith, and due
diligence in organization affairs. Fully disclose any conflicts of interest and any information that could
affect the organization’s interests. Remain fiscally accountable. Maintain professionalism in all duties.
Lead efforts of conference program planning.

Board Duties

● Remind applicable board members to submit award applications (Journal Award, Newsletter Award,
   Website Award, Intellectual Freedom, etc.) to NCTE, usually due in May.
● Complete and submit the NCTE Affiliate Excellence Award and the Williamson Membership Award,
   usually due in July.
● As TCTELA budget allows, attend NCTE convention according to TCTELA policy.
● Attend NCTE board meeting at the NCTE annual convention.
● Attend affiliate workshop at NCTE conference.
● Write and submit an article covering two events from the NCTE conference for Texas Voices.
● Represent TCTELA at local affiliate meetings and in other situations as requested by the President
   and/or the Vice- President for Membership and Affiliates.     
● Provide a report to the Executive Director the Monday prior to the any TCTELA meeting.
● Provide a report, to include 3-yr. longitudinal numbers, for the membership for the business
   meeting at the TCTELA annual conference.
● Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee and Board.
● Strengthen relationship with other professional organizations and service centers.        
● Communicate clear expectations for elected and appointed positions.
● Chair committees and/or special sessions as requested.
● Select a local arrangement chair for the TCTELA conference of presidency year.
● Select a conference theme and logo for presidency year. Present to board at fall board meeting
   prior to presidency. Share conference theme and logo for presidency year at the annual
● Secure keynote speakers, workshop presenters, and special events for
   presidency-year conference, if possible before the annual conference of President-elect year.
● Update the conference proposal, if needed, for the incoming President-elect.
● Write at least one article for each issue of Texas Voices.

● As part of the Executive Committee, participate in drafting TCTELA statements as necessary.

Conference Duties

● Work with President and Executive Director to facilitate the Local Arrangements Committee for
   the current year’s conference, beginning work with LAC Chair at the March/April board meeting.
   Get approval of tentative TCTELA conference program at fall or winter TCTELA board meeting.
● Maintain communication with the President, Executive Director, and Local Arrangements Chair
   for the duration of conference planning and post conference.
● Work with the President, Executive Director, and the Local Arrangements Chairperson to plan
   and implement the current year’s conference:
      o solicit donations and in-kind support from publishers and other
      o provide information for pre-convention mailer to be executed by Local
        Arrangements Committee;
      o assist with session facilitator planning; and
      o assist with pre-service teacher scheduling.
● With a team of colleagues, solicit proposals from TCTELA membership for concurrent sessions.
   Extra consideration should be given to solicitation from colleagues with expertise in
   multicultural, gifted and talented, and early literacy education. The process is as follows:
      o use rubric for session presenters to select proposals
      o create and/or edit proposal acceptance/rejection letters
      o notify Executive Director of sessions selected. Executive Director will send letters of
         acceptance/rejection to proposal applicants.
      o Plan the overall schedule of the conference and the agendas for general sessions.
● Produce the convention program with the management company, including conducting a
   thorough review and edit of the program before production.
● Host concurrent session on leadership at conference:
      o invite past-presidents to this session, and
      o invite current Texas Voices editor, current President-Elect, any special projects liaisons
        (currently PD2Teach), and English in Texas editors to discuss leadership opportunities
        within the organization.

● Arrive early at the conference hotel on Thursday to assist with conference preparations.
● Attend meetings and sessions, introducing speakers when needed.
● Attend all assigned meetings, luncheons, dinners, and after-hours events as assigned.

● Write articles for the newsletter about key speakers as assigned by the president.
● Introduce key speakers as assigned by the president.
● Assist the Vice President of Membership and Affiliates in organizing and advertising the meetings
   of the standing committees at the Section Breakfast on Sunday morning of the conference.
● Preside over the post-conference new/old officers’ meeting, sending an agenda to the Executive
   Director the Monday prior to the conference.

Monthly At-a-Glance

January          Serve the president’s needs at the conference; be the contact help for LAC

                     Start thinking about the theme for your conference
                     Find a core group that will help sharpen your message; don’t go it alone

March            March board meeting, be sure to outline all NCTE awards and their due dates and

                     who is responsible

May               Begin working with current president and executive director to collect information
                     for two NCTE Awards; Google Drive/Dropbox from previous president-elect is
                     usually available

June              Begin working on NCTE reports with executive director; this person will have

                     documents and reports you will need to complete it
                     Gather a team willing to read 150+ proposals for 2020 Conference Proposal
                     review (Think about K-12 representation as well as geographic representation for
                     our state.)
                     Should be refining your theme and be close to a finished product.

July                Finish working on reports with executive director; there is an early July deadline

                     for BOTH
                     Executive Director will be in touch about working with a graphic designer on your
                     theme; have some ideas about graphics that you can share.

August           Contact LAC-see if you can help in any way

                     Work to promote proposal submissions state-wide with the ECM
                     You will be working with executive director on your artwork back and forth; there
                     will be several iterations and you can have the graphic designer retool as needed.

September     Very busy month-Deadline to submit is the Wednesday after Labor Day
                     There is a Google Drive/Dropbox from previous years to help with format and
                     structure of this review. (Ask current president)
                     You will get a blind set to start your reviews
                     Do NOT change the control numbers they come in with; executive director’s office
                     uses those throughout the program design.
                     You will have a deadline set by executive director so they can begin sending out
                     You will need to edit the letters sent out BEFORE you send in the first list.
                     Set a Saturday or Sunday to review all proposals. Send in final list to executive
                     director before 10/01

October         Contact LAC-see if you can help in any way; check numbers of volunteers; get with

                     EC if help is needed is procuring volunteers.
                     Be finished reviewing and selecting sessions with your team by 10/01.
                     Have a list of 10-15 back up sessions so that you are ready when the office calls to
                     replace a declined presenter.

November      Busy month-Set aside A LOT of time to proof the program multiple times; you will

                     also proof the APP.

December      Your busiest month; set aside A LOT of time to proof the program multiple times;

                     you will also proof the APP multiple times.
                     You will need to be available over the holiday break for proofing; it’s the nature of
                     having a late January conference.

When TCTELA funds board member travel to NCTE, funding is only valid if: the board member attends
the NCTE Director’s meeting and affiliate breakfast and if the board member writes an article for Texas
Voices covering two NCTE convention events. In addition, the President-elect and Vice President,
serving as the official TCTELA representative, attend the NCTE convention affiliate workshop.

Vice President-Elect: Year 1 of 2-year Elected Term

Job Description

Support affiliates throughout Texas to promote English Language Arts. Invest in the professional
development of leaders and work with affiliate leaders on an ongoing basis to support their local
organizations. Promote the growth of rising leaders and TCTELA committees, involving them in key
aspects of TCTELA efforts.

Board Duties

● Use the information in the Vice President’s December report to further the growth of the
   affiliates and promote the goals of TCTELA through the recruitment and retention of members.
● Write and submit an article for each issue of the TCTELA newsletter, Texas Voices.
● Attend all meetings scheduled for the TCTELA Board.
● Seek ways of improving communication and increasing activities between and within affiliates;
   share with Vice President.
● Invite members of affiliates to join TCTELA and become active in TCTELA programs and projects.
● Promote greater use of NCTE and TCTELA resources (e.g., NCLE, NCTE journals and publications).
● As TCTELA budget constraints allow, attend NCTE Region 6 leadership conference during the
   summers when NCTE provides matching funds in order to gather pertinent information related
   to affiliate support and development.
● Assist Vice President.

Conference Duties

● Arrive early at the conference hotel on Thursday to assist with conference preparations.
● Attend meetings and sessions, introducing speakers when needed.
● Attend all assigned meetings, luncheons, dinners, and after-hours events as assigned.
● As budget allows, assist Vice President in hosting an affiliate leadership/rising leaders meeting at
   the TCTELA annual conference.
● Attend the committee meeting, and assist Vice President in facilitating discussion about
   committee roles and activities; obtain resolutions to be presented to the TCTELA board during
   the Friday board meeting.

When TCTELA funds board member travel to NCTE, funding is only valid if: the board member attends
the NCTE Director’s meeting and affiliate breakfast and if the board member writes an article for Texas
Voices covering two NCTE convention events. In addition, the President-elect and Vice President,
serving as the official TCTELA representative, attend the NCTE convention affiliate workshop.

Recording Secretary: 1-year Term; Elected by Membership

Job Description

Take minutes of meeting; follow Robert's Rules of Order, submit minutes to Executive Director and
President for review; email minutes to entire board for review prior to next meeting; upload minutes to
the cloud for storage.

Board Duties

● Take minutes at each meeting.
● Distribute minutes to all board members within 30 days following each meeting.
● Corrected copies will be provided to the board at the subsequent board meetings.
● Send final versions of minutes with appendices and all attachments to executive director for
   archival purposes.
● Attend all board meetings.
● Provide a report to the Executive Director the Monday prior to the meeting.
● Attend all meetings scheduled for the Board.
● Write at least one article for each issue of Texas Voices.
● Attend NCTE conference, when funding is available.

Conference Duties

● Arrive early at the conference hotel on Thursday to assist with conference preparations.
● Attend meetings and sessions, introducing speakers when needed.
● Attend all assigned meetings, luncheons, dinners, and after-hours events as assigned.
● Outgoing Recording Secretary will take minutes at the conference business meeting.
● Incoming Recording Secretary will take minutes at the Sunday post-conference board meeting.

When TCTELA funds board member travel to NCTE, funding is only valid if: the board member attends
the NCTE Director’s meeting and affiliate breakfast and if the board member writes an article for Texas
Voices covering two NCTE convention events. In addition, the President-elect and Vice President,
serving as the official TCTELA representative, attend the NCTE convention affiliate workshop.


Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts © 2025

                                                                                                         . All Rights Reserved.

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